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Just surviving the quarantine ― no thanks, I can do better

Updated: Mar 28, 2021

Social distancing, self-isolation, quarantine, lockdown, however you want to call it, we are stuck at home. And by the looks of it, for a while. Governments are scrambling to give a straight answer about COVID-19. On top of that, now your favorite movie is getting reported, that café with your favorite drink is closed, and work is now remote, so what now?

If you're like me living with a significant other, you are in between extase and insanity. Being used to travel for work, our time together was seldom and intense, but in quarantine, quantity seems to have spoiled the quality... Stuck in a highrise, days go by increasingly similar, which contributed to the tension. Was it me? Am I going crazy? I kept asking myself, then it hit me: I have to break this lense, this loop, that keeps me stuck in "stress" mode.

Before this, I have always had "hermit" habits. I like to game, code, trade, watch movies, cook, none of which require much going outside and most of which are easily shared. That's when I switched my perspective from surviving this crisis to making the best out of it. From there it was only a matter of time before I felt like I unlocked my potential. Truly, if I did not come out of this quarantine with either a new hobby or skill, it's probably not because I was lacking the time that I don't have them already, but rather because I never had the motivation in the first place.

I started back on my training habits. I finally went through my project of making this blog. I fixed my personal finances and trading accounts. I finished my Python programming course. Above all, I finished accepting anything short of the best from myself and decided to not only believe in what I say, but live by it. With new skills in my pocket and a renewed sense of confidence, I realized that no matter the quantity, quality time with your significant other is quality time, quarantine or not.

P.S. Display cover image credits go to Carlo Giambarresi - amazing artist from Sardinia, Italy. If you liked this picture, you will like his content, make sure to check out his page!

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